Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy uses a variety of hands-on strokes, applying various depths of pressure as appropriate for you, gentle stretches and mobilising techniques to bring about a state of relaxation, both physical and emotional.

It can stimulate the circulation, reduce tension in stiff muscles, improve range of movement through joints and induce the release of feel-good hormones to bring about a state of relaxed well-being.

When combined with a bespoke blend of essential oils in a carrier oil, your massage therapy session can deliver even more results for a whole host of issues! See the Clinical Aromatherapy page for more details.

For any treatment, the first step is to book a full Consultation and Assessment before your first visit. This allows me to get a full picture of your health and wellbeing and the issue(s) you are seeking help with. We can then discuss the best course of action for you.

Massage Therapy Prices

Massage Benefits

massage therapy

Common Questions

Not necessarily. You will only be asked to undress areas that are to be worked on (for example if you want a back and shoulders massage, you can keep your trousers on) and areas not being worked are also covered in a towel.


However, if you would rather remain clothed, there are still ways I can help. You might also like to consider an Indian Head Massage which is done without oil and therefore without the need to get undressed.


Please note that you also do not need to apologise for not having shaved your legs, or be wearing your best underwear. Rumbling tummies, burps and even passing wind are normal responses to the body relaxing – you do not need to be embarrassed!

I prefer to work with your needs on the day I see you and frequently find a combination of techniques is needed to get the best results. This approach has come from my experience of working with clients over the years.

You may need some more remedial techniques for a particular area but the rest of the body may only need Swedish massage techniques, for example.

It can be but it doesn’t have to be. I always encourage feedback during a treatment to ensure I have the pressure right for you (we’re all different!). Working with remedial/sports/deep tissue techniques can be uncomfortable but it should NOT cause pain or feel like it’s doing harm.

If you cannot relax during a massage due to the pressure being too much or too little and causing you to feel ticklish, you will not get the full benefits from the treatment. I will never be offended if you ask me to use less (or more) pressure.

I am based in Waltham Chase near Bishop's Waltham, just 15-20 minutes from Southampton, Fareham, Winchester, Waterlooville, & Eastleigh.